Hi, I’m Liv. I’m the one you’re looking for—

an enthusiastic, determined, creative asset who provides innovation, productivity, and positivity for your team.

I’m currently available for inquiries.

I'm based in Boston, but I'm really found just twenty miles south in a quaint shoreline community.

Since graduating with a degree in English, I’ve spent countless hours crafting creative pieces—discovering the depth of my words. Over time, I became more fascinated with the reader than the words themselves and began to explore marketing. Absorbing all the knowledge I can possibly unearth to parlay into a career of my newfound passion.

Mimic Pro Simternship

With no prior experience, I placed #1 amongst 30 peers in a month long digital marketing internship simulation. I proved my proficiency using diverse skills such as strategic keyword selection, budget optimization for profit maximization, interpretation of vanity metrics, landing page optimization, use of digital tools, KPI calculation and leverage (including ROI), and effective organization, creation, and optimization of various ads. I was also able to conduct successful A/B testing for optimal retargeting.

At the South Shore Emilson YMCA, I take on many roles — Aquatics Supervisor, Swim Instructor, and Head Lifeguard. My most beloved is instructing.

Early Learning Center

I’ve conducted thousands of swim lessons, but the Early Learning Center has stood out to me as the most rewarding and enjoyable. The YMCA has an associated preschool, the ELC, where children ages 6 weeks to 5 years can learn and grow. I was given the amazing opportunity to teach the 3+ year olds how to swim alongside my talented manager. I see over 50 children each week and I have fostered a special bond, love for swimming, and safety awareness with each child.

Today, I provide swim instruction and safety awareness for a variety of skill levels, physical and cognitive abilities, and ages. I am passionate about interpersonal connection and understanding which has translated into my well renowned swim classes. I have also dove deep into the world of health and wellness and enjoy sharing what I’ve discovered with others. I am always writing and hope that you’ll be able to read me in an editorial someday.

Here is sweet, four-year-old Charli. Down Syndrome has got nothin’ on her love for swimming. We can’t communicate with words, so we learn through touch, demonstration, repetition and a constant adaptation of lesson plans.

Miss Olivia’s Swim School (since 2022)

Summer 2023, Norwell Massachusetts